h ! CMDBUFFSENDSATSLNTHANS,,I$3B @@ !!USR Commands to communicate with SIO2PC$$(C) 1995 BY Kevin Atkinson BUT you may use these routines$$however you see fit as long as$$you somehow menchin me in yourin your docs.$$All of these commands are very nice and don't effect your!##memory one bit and don't even"use Page 6. The only two#$$bytes they use are $D4 and $D5$""(212 and 213) which are the %##locations of the return value&for the USR command.PQ . Kevin AtkinsonR$$. kevina@clark.netS$$. 7962 Helmart Dr.T$$. Laurel MD, 20723Vd;@,n;A(,;A(,o##^ set the length of the comndp""^ to communcate with the USRq^ functions.r ^ CMD$ does not need to bes""^ 128 bytes long but it MUSTt""^ end in CHR$(155) or SIO2PCu^ may get very confusedv^ BUFF$ must be 128 bytesw!!^ or it might crash machinex;@(,;@D,z;@Q,&&6.hW hh S`666.,hR hh  hh S@`56.hhhԠ 567@ ,.>:AU,.67@7,..67@@,.>:AU,67@A,. ȑԄԩ`67A(,. !!^ to get BASIC to recognize^ all 128 bytes of BUFF$L## PLEASE ENTER COMMAND STRINGV` j 67B:,%@,.>:AU,k^ remember (from above)l^ that the command stringm^ MUST end in CHR$(155)n^ otherwise known as EOLo^ or RETURNt6-?:C:,:AU,-@@6-?:C:,<