þþ% X;SAVE#D:QDIR.M65 X;ASM,#-,#D:QDIR.OBJX;ASM,#-,#D:QDIR.COMX;( †OBJECT2 ƒCOM<„CODE†OBJECTFX;PX; Set CODE equal to OBJECTZX; to create an object filedX; to be used from a BASICnX; USR routine.xX; Set CODE equal to COM to‚X; make a stand alone .COMŒX; file for use with Sparta–X; or any other DOS. X;ªX;´ X; Quick Directory by Mat*Rat¾X; Ratware SoftworksÈ X; (c) 1989, Antic PublishingÒX;ÜX; A quick and dirty utilityæX; for getting a completeð X; directory listing while inúX; Atari BASIC.#X; The BASIC program QDIRMAK.BASX; will create a the file:X; D1:QDIR."X;,X; From BASIC immediate mode6X; use the command:@X;JX; E."D:QDIRTX;^#X; The user will be prompted forh X; a directory specification,r"X; and a DIR will be displayed.|X; If it's a SpartaDOS disk,†"X; the directory will be listedX; in LONG format.šX;¤ …XCORDU® …YCORDT¸ †SAVMSCX†STRINGü;;String ptṙFILEBUF;;Cas bufferÖƒCIOVä;;CALL OS HEREà…ICCOMB;;COMMAND TO CIOê†ICBADRD;;BUFFER OR FNAMEô†ICBLENH;;BUFFER LENGTHþ†ICAUX1J;;AUX BYTE #1†ICAUX2K;;AUX BYTE #2X;„COPN;;COMMAND OPEN&†CCLOSE ;;COMMAND CLOSE0…CGTXR;;GET TEXT REC:…CPTXR ;;PUT TEXT RECD†CGBINR;;GET BINARY RECN†CPBINR ;;PUT BINARY RECX…CDRAW;;COMMAND DRAWTOb…CFILL;;COMMAND FILLlX;v„OPIN;;OPEN FOR INPUT€…OPOUT;;OPEN FOR OUTPUTŠ…OPDIR;;OPEN FOR DIR”X;ž%X; A=USR(ADR(QDIR$),ADR("D1:*.*"))¨X;²(X; QDIR$ holds the code that follows.¼!X; It pulls the address of theÆ$X; directory specification stringÐ'X; off the stack. It allows the userÚ$X; to enter a file specification,ä%X; such as D2:*.BAS, which is thenî#X; used for a directory listing.øX;4 F„CODE†OBJECT  …BEGIN*74 F†GETDRV>X; Clean up unecessaryHX; parameters and continueR>\ …CLEANf7p7z0„ H…CLEANŽ˜ †GETDRV¢X; Show only a question mark¬X; as a prompt for file spec¶#X; No room for more in the code.À$>Ê Q>†CPBINRÔ P…ICCOMÞ &†ICBLENè&†ICBLENòQ> ?ü ƒCIOX; Accept the user's fileX; specification. Q>…CGTXR$ P…ICCOM.Q>5‡FILEBUF8P†ICBADRB &†ICBADRLQ>(V P†ICBLEN` ƒCIOjX; FILEBUF now containstX; the text file spec~X; to use as a templateˆX; for the directory’X; listing.œ †GOTDRV¦$>P° Q>†CCLOSEº P…ICCOM9Ä ƒCIOÎ Q>„COPNØ P…ICCOM9âQ>5‡FILEBUFìP†ICBADR9öQ> P†ICBADR9  Q>…OPDIR P†ICAUX19Q>€( P†ICAUX292 ƒCIO< GˆCLOSEDRVF †GETFILP$>PZQ>d P†ICBADR9nP†ICBLEN9xQ>5‡FILEBUF‚P†ICBADR9ŒQ>(– P†ICBLEN9  Q>…CGTXRª P…ICCOM9´ ƒCIO¾ GˆCLOSEDRVÈ$>ÒQ>5‡FILEBUFÜP†ICBADRæ &†ICBADRðQ>(ú P†ICBLEN Q>…CPTXR P…ICCOM ƒCIO" I†GETFIL, ˆCLOSEDRV6$>P@ Q>†CCLOSEJ P…ICCOM9T!ƒCIO^„CODEƒCOMhàr †GETDRV|